05 October, 2015

#SomeTimes we #Spend more on a #car than #Investing #In a #Child

If my readers insist me to tell you what is the most momentous social discovery of the last centuries, I will have no choice but to respond: the unexpected impact on adult life of what happened to the baby from the womb.

I have it clear. Very recently no one seriously dealt with the impact that would have on the fetus from the womb stress levels of the latter or, less reason, father. Clearly, the dilemma then was to send or not to daycare as the only alternative for her to not have to leave work; very few had the awareness or knowledge to worry about the educational treatment he received there the newborn. Nobody knew anything about the effects on a child's adolescence was the absence of the father after a separation.

First things first. When the mother is worried or stressed, is the impact on children's health? It seems difficult to deny. A parent may have, biologically, many children, while a mother just a few. The result of this difference takes the value unconsciously given by two is different. For the mother it is one of the few biological assets that you can have in his life. It is not surprising that the degree of concern about the impact on the life of the fetus, or later baby of their own stress or anxiety is much greater for her than the father.

Stress levels of an expectant mother can affect the emotional state of the fetus; YOGA can help (Image: Flickr user).
Can anyone suggest why we try to hide the negative results of most surveys and analyzes on learning in kindergartens? The results tend to show that an increase in aggression and violence in later life occurs when the regime started day care before age five, extending over many years for 30 or 40 hours per week. As Eduard said once a great British neurologist specializing in early childhood education: "Sometimes we are more willing to pay for good parking that save our children."

In the above lies one of the great contradictions of our society. We have the great merit of current and lifelong with the Islamic world have managed to assimilate women into production processes and hence other civilizations based on exclusive religions can never compete with us. Now it is about to make the sacrifice or the application of knowledge necessary for the incorporation of women into the work can be done in the best conditions, ensuring the quality of the physical and academic content of the necessary nurseries.

Finally, we now also know of intergenerational communication of children. It turns out that, on average, a child doomed to grow up without a father present following a marriage separation accessed before the average age of puberty; and not only that, usually have greater integration difficulties than the average for girls her age. The teenager does not make himself questions about your own situation, collects information encoded on the degree of trust that can be deposited in adults and, particularly, in men. Of those questions a determined attitude on the family environment arises.

We have to take care a lot more than we wanted or known how emotional learning for children and not only, as has happened so far, cognitive or academic learning. To seven years, children are the best example of an R&D expenses paid, we can not leave their fate if we want to survive. See more at: goo.gl/iwZjX

EGA is registered as 14.302 Engineer at COITIMadrid