03 August, 2015

400 kW #PV In Zauderas Park Site, Berrueco Villlage, Ávila

Photovoltaic Project Zauderas Park in the town of Berrueco, province of Avila:  4 Plots of 100kW according to the following

Google Earth 40° 27' 08" N 5° 35' 07"

·  3 Plots of 100 kW each (450 Sip 200Wp modules on fixed structures. 27 lines of 20 panels in serial) connected to 3 Ingeteam inverters of 90.8 kW
·  1 Plot of 70 kW (435 Sip 200Wp modules on the ground. 29 lines of 15 panels in serial) Inverter 64 kW Ingeteam in addition to the 3 112 Apollo Solar Tracker 10 kW each  (72, 90 and 90 modules Suntech If Mono 175Wp) 3 SMA Inverters of 8.8 kW.
·  CC indirect contact protection: Insulation Class II. Effective Earth Protection driven by two Relais contactors PROAT supply opening and delayed closing to ground in case of insulation fault added before investor. 120A 900V DC contactor closed during normal operation and opened in case of insulation failure by earth leakage delayed 1 second max. Inverter  900CT NINFAC PROAT NMI as / R. 27-59-81-50-RA
·  TPV. 108kW, 688V + Aut.125A, 800 V + 100kW Inverter + 160A, 400V, 16kA Breaker + Leakage Current Breaker 160A, 400V, 16kA, MV.kW + Fuse.160A 300mA, 400V
·  The Earthing system is TT Ground type,  so that distributor network grounding/earthing conditions are not altered, ensuring that transfers of defects to the distribution network will never occur.
·  All masses of the PV system, both DC and AC , metallic elements (cells, vats, boxes, etc. Lightning, surge arresters) will be connected to a single land called Protective earth mesh connected to an equipotential surface  in the CT (4T100KVA, 15000 / 400V) that is independent of the Service earth connected to the neutral  wire from  the distribution company. Both earths should be separated at a distance of 20 m long as no greater than 1 kV and according MIE-RAT-ITC-RAL6  cumplimentary technical instruction set.
·  The earth of the PV system is connecting the four inverters through a 50 mm² copper wire to connect the four PV systems.
·  In the vicinity of each inverter a Copper pike of 1.5 m has to be installed and in the vicinity of the different Command&Safety Control Panel Boxes and three trackers. The metal parts of the (fixed and mobile) structures and ground terminals inverters are to be also connected to the earth system through the mesh ground assemblies of shoes armed trackers. With this arrangement a Protective mesh is obtained.


·  Topography Orientation, site Latitude and Longitude: 40 ° 27 '08 "N 5 ° 35' 07" O
·  High Tension Pole Connection  AT2000kg Company owner. HV Pole HV 2000Kg with OCR, customer pole support equipped with XS Fuses.
·  Access, and underground energy drainage line cables 12/20 HEPRZ1 3x240 mm² and Al H16 Bridges HEPRZ1 12/20 50 mm² Al H16


·  Technical Paper Terms from Iberdrola 15kV.. Umax = 24kV, Icc = 16kA, Icc (Phase-Earth) = 1KA, Toff = 500 ms max, Pmax = 400kW

  •        Long-term leasing
  •        No broad and slightly facing north
  •        Security evacuation of PV Energy at disposal of photovoltaic energy to the grid
  •        Competitive and Technically Correct by obtaining All the necessary Local & Legal Permits and Authorizations included the Environment Qualification by Comunidad de Castilla y León.
  •       Liability (RD661, RD1663 / 2000de29-9-0. PV connection to the RBT, Resolution 31-5-1 standard contract and invoice for inst. Solar PV connected to the RBT, REBT, RD842 / 2002de 2-8 -2, RAT, RD223 / 2008de 08.02.15, RCE and land use regulations
  •      Gamma threaded Structures and kneeling down on the tractor and Apollo 112 followers SolarTracker

EGA is refistered as 14.302 Engineer at COITIMadrid