13 July, 2015

FOCUS = Following One Course of action Until Succeed

I like the FOCUS word and I'm used to be Focused In my daily Goals, that's why I use this word frequently. Until recently it was a little heard in Castilian word, perhaps being derived from English (FOCUS) and very common in the Shakespeare's Language, but has become more popular and very much well-known to the general public and many professionals.

I know I am very insistent on this subject, so much so that a good friend some time ago put me affectionately nicknamed FOCUSErnst. I laughed at the time, and I still do now, but if something I have very clear is that:

The difference between an Expert and an Amateur is FOCUS

The following words are included in Learning from the very best (Encourages, 8th edition) in the mouth of one of the authors included in the book: "If you want to be a successful entrepreneur, you have to learn to focus. This simply means following a course of action to succeed (FOCUS = Following One  Course of action Until Succeed). This takes time and effort, and strength of character. For many entrepreneurs, it takes years to master a sector or asset class. It takes dedication to study hard, build your education, cultivate relationships, and learning from mistakes. And during those years, there will be many days, who put many hours for little or no pay. At day's end, the difference between a successful entrepreneur and aspiring entrepreneur is the focus. Many aspiring entrepreneurs looking to get rich quickly. So, when one way does not pay much, they change it for another. The problem is that they never succeed because they never put the time and effort required to do so."

You can not have the ass on two chairs at the same time. You have to decide what you want to sit chair, or otherwise, you'll run out chair. Decide what you want to play in life, and then put all your energy there without dispersarte. It is to decide a top priority in your life: a Solá and organize all the activities around this priority.

FOCUS could be defined as "the ability to stay focused, concentrated and directed to execute actions that enable you to realize your goals, discarding all others, knowing discern one and the other."

If you still have doubts about the importance of focus, here are a collection of phrases to the keys on your visual board and have at hand always and leave seeping slowly to your unconscious, because the only way to succeed is that thought is continually directed to the target. Here you go:

 He who pursues two rabbits ... is left with none
 — Proverb ~

 Just moving in this world who focus on one thing at a time
 — Og Mandino| ~

 Focus on what you have chosen and on one thing at a time
 — Aitor Zarate ~

 A lot of very talented people failed by not staying focused
 — Donald Trump ~

 Master of all, apprentice off nothing
 — Popular wisdom ~

 When you decide to build something as large as Apple have to give up living other lives that you also like
 — Steve Jobs ~.
 Put all your eggs in one basket, but watch her good
 — Warren Buffett.

 Nothing beats repetition, so I did not diversify
 — Robert Kiyosaki ~

 Anyone can be the best guitarist in the world if you are willing to spend the next thirty years practicing ten hours a day seven days a week
 — Francisco de Lucia ~

 The difference between successful and very successful people is that the highly successful Say NO to almost everything
 — Warren Buffett ~

  If you spend your whole life trying to be good at everything, you'll never be great at anything
— Tom Rath ~

If you focus, it will happen, something similar to what he said on one occasion Anthony Robbins, and thus appears picked up in the chapter focus of Your Future is TODAY (encourages, 2nd edition): "Many people have no idea that the great capacity we acquire when we focus all our efforts on mastering just one aspect of our lives [...] Take any activity, any art, any discipline or skill. Pick it up and take it to the limit, take it beyond what has ever been, squeeze it to the fullest, then you bring them into the realm of magic. "

When you are focused you begin to master a discipline and just becoming almost artistic, because it is so similar to the others. No matter if this is your way of speaking in public, at the time of writing, when to sell, when cooking ... whatever. It is a plus to have those that have focused dramatically, and are able, thanks to this approach, to go a little further than the rest.

It looks like magic, but it is not. It's hard work: more hours thrown into question the rest of the people, who practiced far more llega- accompanied by reflection and feedback along the way, and to adjust the shooting more accurately. Maybe that's why Howard Gardner noted: "a decade of hard work is needed [focused] for talent to become masters." And it is that when you are focused, how difficult is not succeeding.

To read more about this topic, I recommend The Power to RemaIN focused, which says: "Do you know the number one reason that stops people to get what they want? It is the lack of focus. People that focuses on what he wants and does not wobble, prospers."

S Thanks to everyone for making this Possible.

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