28 July, 2015

Spanish Heritage In Between USA Simbols

Among the major achievements by Spain In Past and Presents days, Spanish People is ignored, it is the exploration and conquest of many of the territories that now comprise the US.

And it is that long before any other European set foot on US soil, the Spanish guys had already nailed their flag in these confines. For over three centuries, theyr men founded cities, forts, missions and towns far and wide throughout the Americas, from the southern lands of Texas to Alaska herself, which today remains as Valdez or Cordoba cities that remind our where epic and leave a lasting legacy that covers much of the northern Pacific coast, reaching the borders of Russia today.

During the time between the sixteenth to the nineteenth century, Spanish people had time to be the first Europeans to cross the Mississippi River, cross the desert of Nevada, spot the Grand Canyon or founding cities such as Los Angeles, San Francisco or St. Augustine (Florida, the oldest city in the US that still retains our beautiful fortress, with the Spanish flag still flying high). Also, long before the British began the great slaughter of American Indians, and centuries before roll his first Hollywood films "Far West", the Spaniards have already made contact, we fight and we agreed with nations large and Cheyenne Indian tribes , Sioux, Arapaho or Navajos. We incorporate our Viceroyalty of New Spain known as territories such as Arizona, California, New Mexico, Texas, Louisiana and Florida, and gave its name to the Canadian San Juan Islands, Lopez Fidalgo and courteous.

Our ancestors fought, explored and conquered vast territories having extremely little capacity and resources, leaving a now almost unknown to many legacy but we must strive to regain pride in the name of our history and our country, which has been great as none . Glorious names like Cabeza de Vaca, Menendez Vazquez Coronado, Hernando de Soto, Ponce de León, Fray Junipero Serra and Juan de Oñate would be burned into the heads of all the country's citizens if instead of being born Spaniards had been British or Americans ... The Spaniards, sometimes as little grateful to ourselves and our past!

Because few people know that Madrid is not only the capital of Spain, but in states like Alabama, Nebraska, Iowa, New York or Virginia, there are also cities that bear his name. Nor is it known by many Spaniards that follow Castilla emblem wearing today himself atop the Texas Capitol. Well, this article will briefly dated, with names, the main official symbols related to Spain that still exist today in the United States and that honor our legacy. There are many more, but I remember that I consider key. They are:


Shortly before we discovered Spanish America, King Ferdinand was taken to the emblem of the new Spain the Pillars of Hercules, who laced with a ribbon on which he wrote the phrase "Non plus ultra" which means "nothing beyond "and referring to there was nothing beyond (the known world) already. But when Columbus won the new continent, that slogan was modified by changing the "Plus Ultra" that has accompanied us until today and which indicates that there was something beyond (America) .Once built this shield the officers of our Kingdom and when after the first conquests Spaniards were coining currency across America, the symbol of the Pillars of Hercules began to be present in all currencies accompanying the figure of our successive Kings. Centuries later, and although no longer retain sovereignty over these territories, many American nations retain Spanish beterest symbol as a representation of their currencies. Among them, USA.


The confederate flag, designed by the American Congressman William Porcher Miles and used primarily in military operations, has undergone changes throughout history but has always been linked to Spain (initially consisted of three horizontal stripes in the colors of our flag) and today proudly carries its thirteen stars of South American states, resting on the Saltire of Saint Andrew, symbol of the old flag of Spain

Florida Flag

This is the latest of several flags that Florida has had throughout its history. This one, designed in 1900, incorporated the shield of the state over the former Spanish imperial flag, the Cross of Burgundy or Aspa of San Andrés, on white background. Noted that the fort of San Agustin, the first city and first fort built by Europeans throughout the United States, our flag still flies on top of its keep.


The current flag of the State of Alabama, also founded by us, was adopted on 16 February 1895. On this occasion, the Alabama wanted to preserve pure and simple flag that had dominated their destinations during three centuries. Unchanged. The old imperial flag of Spain with the Blade of San Andrés on white background.


In this case, the Arizona flag incorporates a bronze star in its center in memory of its mining past. But in the upper band, which is what interests us, we see thirteen stripes representing the 13 original colonies founded in the state, carrying the red and yellow colors in honor of the Spanish Empire and our conquerors.


The citizens of New Mexico also wanted to honor his flag Spain. And it is that this flag, which incorporates in its center one of the symbols of the indigenous tribe neomexicana "Zia" also carries the red and yellow colors of our flag in honor of our scouts, Spain and its King.

Flag and coat of MONTANA

The motto of the state, contained in the flag and coat of Montana, originally linked to Spanish Louisiana, he refers in Spanish, the mining past we introduced the Spanish in the region. Literally he says "Gold and Silver"

Seal of Texas

The shield of this important American state also has this to Spain. And it incorporates 6 flags 6 nations who have exercised their sovereignty over that territory. On this occasion, with our modern era shield, flag looks at its top right.

Seal of the City of Los Angeles

The shield of the city of Los Angeles, so many times we have seen in Hollywood movies, it also has clear echoes of our heritage founder. In the lower left quarter, we clearly see the emblem of Castilla and Leon, which represents its founding as a Spanish city, and at the bottom we reviewed the year of its foundation by Spain.


The shield of the Commonwealth, so close in his love and loyalty to Spain, spoils of war from the US in the Spanish-American War of 1898 and unincorporated territory of the US It belongs to the US but is not part of them, is fully Hispanic. The Shield of Puerto Rico was awarded in 1511 by the Spanish Crown, and is the oldest in the New World. It was taken back in 1976 by the government of the Commonwealth of Puerto Rico ".


Finally, a number of boards currently used in the state of Alabama, also remind Spanish country, because in the upper left quarter we are present through spanish Country shield of Castile and Leon, as a founding country spaniards went to.

Tags: "America", "Spanish symbols" flag, Spain, foundation, heritage, symbols

Source: Jenkins ÆR

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