29 February, 2016

Karl Böer Solar Energy Medal of Merit International Award for Antonio Luque

Professor Antonio Luque, founder and president of the Solar Energy Institute has been awarded with the "Karl Böer Solar Energy Medal of Merit" award, given by the University of Delaware (USA), for his contributions to the development of photovoltaics. worth $60,000, the prestigious award recognizes the most outstanding international careers in the field of solar energy.
Thanks Professor Luque
Karl Böer prizes are awarded every two years in honor of the scientist, who was a member for years at the University of Delaware, founder of the Institute of Energy Conversion EE (UD's Institute of Energy Conversion) and one of the great researchers in solar cells. The jury awarded prizes consists of a committee which includes representatives of major US solar companies and government Department of Energy.

"Professor Luque has made outstanding contributions in the field of solar energy," said Michael Klein, Executive Director of Karl Böer Solar Energy Medal of Merit, announcing the winner in this edition. "In giving this award, we recognize the impact their work has had on the scientific and technological development of renewable energies. The selection committee is proud to make this announcement. "

A successful career

Karl Böer Solar Energy Medal of Merit recognizes the many achievements of Antonio Luque, who has several decades researching and improving solar PV technology, and turning these achievements into practical applications. In fact, Luque is one of the researchers who owes its solar energy development.

For years working in intermediate band cells, of which he has always said he is a real sun revolution. In 1969, Professor founded the Semiconductor Laboratory of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM) and ten years later became the laboratory at the Institute of Solar Energy (IES), a highly recognized worldwide in photovoltaic research center.

Antonio Luque developed in 1976 Si - bifacial solar cells, which are active on both sides and are able to collect as much direct light as part of it is reflected on the front face, resulting in cells with very high efficiency. In order to manufacture these solar cells, Professor founded the company Isofotón in Málaga and became its first president until 1990.

CPV : Antonio Luque, Viacheslav Andrew
In its appreciation to the Spanish scientist, US jury award also highlights that Luque supported the adoption of a generous Feed In Tarifs System for the Spanish photovoltaic, which led in 2008 to 2.6 Gw commisioned to the Spanish Electrical network by producing more electricity with this technology than the medium nuclear power plant production (500 Mw).

Many awards

This is not, of course, the first award for Antonio Luque. Professor has many other national and international awards: the SolarWorld Senior Einstein Award SolarWorld (2008); the IEEE's William Cherry Award for Photovoltaic Science and Technology (2006); the Juan de la Cierva to Technology Transfer (2003) National Award; King James I to Research in the Environment (1999); the Edmond Becquerel Prize for Outstanding Contributions to the Development of Photovoltaic Solar Energy (1992); and the National Technological Research Prize Leonardo Torres Quevedo (1987).

Among the winners in previous editions of Karl Böer Solar Energy Medal of Merit include, among others, the German Hermann Scheer (2009), for his long contribution and commitment to the diffusion of solar energy, and Adolf Goetzberger (1997), founder of Fraunhofer Institute for Solar Energy Systems; David Carlson (1995), inventor of thin film solar cells; and US President Jimmy Carter (1993), who encouraged the development of this technology and aroused worldwide interest in photovoltaics.

Spanish Source: http://www.energias-renovables.com/articulo/nuevo-premio-internacional-para-antonio-luke--20141124

Ernesto Guillamo is registered as 14.302 engineer at COITIM