30 October, 2016

Solar PV Self Consumption In Germany

With three years in a row above 7 GW of PV systems connected to the grid, Germany used to be the most iconic PV market for years . This has been achieved thanks to a combination of several elements:

• A long term stability of support schemes;
• The confidence of investors;
• The appetite of residential, commercial and industrial building owners for PV.

From 2013 to 2015, the PV market went down to 3.3 GW then 1.46 GW, below the political will to frame the development of PV within a 2.4-2.6 GW range each year. This results into a total installed PV capacity of 39.7 GW connected to the electricity grid at the end of 2015. 2015 was also the year that saw China overtaking Germany and installing itself in the very first place.

Feed-in Tariff with a Corridor

The EEG law has introduced the FiT idea and has continued to promote it partially. It introduces a FiT for PV electricity that is mutualised in the electricity bill of electricity consumers. Exemption is applied to energy-intensive industries, a situation that was challenged by the European Commission in 2013. With the fast price decrease of PV, Germany introduced the “Corridor” concept in 2009: a method allowing the level of FiTs to decline according to the market evolution. The more the market grows during a defined period of time, the lower the FiT levels are. In the first version, the period between two updates of the tariffs was too long (up to 6 months) and triggered some exceptional market booms (the biggest one came in December 2011 with 3 GW in one single month). In September 2012, the update period was reduced to one month, with an update announced every three months, in an attempt to better control market evolution. The latest change has been put in place since August 2014.

With a level of PV installations in 2015 almost 1 GW below the 2.4-2.6 GW corridor, the FIT decline was stopped. This procedure that was supposed to control the growth of the market is now used in Germany to halt the severe market decline.

In September 2012, Germany abandoned FiT for installations above 10 MW in size and continued to reduce FiT levels in 2013 and 2014.


The self-consumption premium that was paid above the retail electricity price was the main incentive to self-consume electricity rather than injecting it into the grid. The premium was higher for self-consumption above 30%. On the 1st April 2012, the premium was cancelled when FiT levels went below the retail electricity prices. With the same idea, for systems between 10 kW and 1 MW, a cap was set at 90% in order to force self-consumption. If the remaining 10% has to be injected anyway, a low market price is paid instead of the FiT.

Since August 2014, 30% of the surcharge for renewable electricity will have to be paid by prosumers for the self-consumed electricity for systems above 10 kW. This part will increase up to 40% in 2017.

An Incentive or Policy program for storage units was introduced 1st May 2013, which aims at increasing self-consumption and developing PV with battery storage in Germany. A 25 M€ market stimulation program has been introduced to boost the installation of local stationary storage systems in conjunction with small PV systems (< 30 kWp). Within the framework of this storage support program around 20,000 decentralized local storage systems were funded by the end of 2015. A continuation of the program is planned for 2016. It is interesting to mention that in addition to incentivized storage systems, additional ones were installed without incentives, around 9,000 in 2015.

Market Integration Model

In contrast to self-consumption incentives, Germany pushes PV producers to sell electricity on the electricity market through a “market premium”. The producer can decide to sell its electricity on the market during a period of time instead of getting the fixed tariff and receiving an additional premium on the top of the market price. The producer can go back and forth between the FiT system and the market as often as necessary. New PV installations > 500 kWp (from 2016 on PV installations > 100 kWp) are obligated to direct marketing of generated electricity.

In 2015, within the “market integration model” three pilot auctions have taken place for utility-scale PV installations. The three calls covered a capacity of 500 MW altogether and were characterized by a high degree of competition. The price level was reduced from call to call: from 0.0917 €/kWh it declined continuously: The most recent price obtained from the fifth solar auction in August 2016 was 0.0723 €/kWh.

Grid Integration

Due to the high penetration of PV in some regions of Germany, new grid integration regulations were introduced. The most notable ones are:

• The frequency disconnection settings of inverters (in the past set at 50.2 Hz) has been changed to avoid a cascade disconnection of all PV systems in case of frequency deviation.

Peak shaving at 70% of the maximum power output (systems below 30 kW) that is not remotely controlled by the grid operator.

Critical Energy Observatory (OCE) has just published a report on self-consumption in which three specific issues are addressed: legislation (aspects of it that have facilitated the development of consumption elsewhere); shared facilities; and the relationship between energy consumption and poverty. The Observatory analyzes three experiences: the German, the California case and Cyprus. Here an outline collection of this analysis by the OCE about the German case.

How Solar PV Self-Consumption is regulated in Germany with an Average PV Yield of 1,055 kWh/kW/year?

"A self-consumption to democratize the electrical system." That's the title of the latest report that has recently come up by the Critical Energy Observatory, this think tank that was founded by a group of young engineers and scientists in early 2007 and continues to produce since reports focusing on the world of energy. The last, this, on consumption. In it addresses three very specific experiences: Germany, California and Cyprus. Here we will focus on the German case, which is particularly relevant to begin their climate, certainly -between the three- farthest from the Spanish.

Indeed, in Germany, solar radiation supply numbers are far from those recorded in Spain. However, a strong policy supporting the photovoltaic industry over the past quarter century stable and durable-policy has resulted in a national park photovoltaic unparalleled throughout Europe. At the end of 2015, Germany had 39,6 GW of installed solar photovoltaic power (PV). Moreover, during that year using this technology generation covered 7% of electricity demand. Far from these records, Spain had late last year 4,420 MW PV (ie, 4,42 GW... versus 39.6). That scrawny domestic photovoltaic park -ridiculous, compared with the German- generated last year in Spain 2.9% of the total produced electricity (sources: Red Eléctrica de España and EIA-PVPS.org).
European Solar Radiation Map from ww.ise.fraunhofer.de

The German Case of Success

The first pro-solar regulation legislation in Germany explains the OCE in his report was the Electricity Feed-in Act enacted in 1991. Between 1990 and 1995, the German government promoted the program of the "1,000 solar roofs". The success of this first program led to its extension by one more ambitious: that of the "100,000 solar roofs", which was developed between 1999 and 2003. However -shades the OCE-, the real impetus for the development of renewables was produced with the German Renewable Energy Act (EEG) of 2000, which guaranteed a fixed amount for the injected energy into the gridnetwork and recognized the right to collect payment for 20 years.

Of course, there is no “Sunshine-Taxes” itself, however overproduced injected energy is therefore remunerated

For PV installations with lower power consumption than ten kilowatts (10 kW), the procedure established by the EGG -explain from the OCE it is simple: the owners of the facility can consume directly generate electricity without paying any charge or tax . In other words, there is no tax in the sun. In addition continues the OCE-, pour energy network that do not use and receive a fixed price for it (Feed-in Tariff, FiT) the amount of which varies depending on the time of commissioning of the facility. There is also the option of receiving a fixed premium (Feed-in Premium, PIF) that adds to the value that reaches the electricity market, this scheme is known as "Market Model Integration". Payment of FiT is guaranteed for 20 years. [Down evolution of FiT and the price of electricity during the last 15 years].

Every two months

The Federal Agency (Bundesnetzagentur) published every two months, the amount of the FiT for new installations. This is it decreasing over time so that: (1) adjustment to falling technology prices; (2) have an incentive to improve the new facilities; and (3) associated dimension the total expenditure is committed over the next 20 years. Currently, the rate is between 0.12 and 0.08 euros per kilowatt hour (€/kWh), depending on the size of the installation.

As time goes by

Along with the evolution of the FiT, the price paid by consumers for domestic electricity in Germany has also evolved logically. Above we can see how, for installations made before 2011, self-consumers received, for each kWh hour injected into the network, a price (FiT for PV) greater than the price they had to pay to import a kilowatt hour network (price paid by households and industry for electricity). However, later that year for facilities, the crossing of the curves indicates that self-consumers receive a lower price per unit of energy injected into the network paid when importing this energy; that is, from that year, the remuneration system automatically encourages instantaneous consumption (consumption that occurs in times of generation).

Exemptions and/or tax benefits

In addition, facilities with power ranging from 10 kW and one megawatt (1MW) can only charge FiT by 90% of the electricity they generate. In other words, they must self-consum at least 10% of its electricity production. Consumption facilities also enjoy an advantageous situation as regards the tax EEG assessment. This tax, which is included in the electricity bill of all German consumers, is intended to finance the energy transition. On the one hand, self-consumption installations with less than 10kW they are exempt from this tax; on the other, those with a higher power, must pay only 35% of EEG assessment in 2016 and 40% in 2017.

The ownership of facilities

Explains the OCE in its report, "citizen participation is often cited as one of the main factors that have enabled the success of the energy transition in Germany". And certainly, of all renewable power was installed in Germany in 2012, 47% was in the hands of citizens and cooperatives "allowing - point from «Observatorio Crítico de la Energía» - evolution from a strongly oligopolistic towards a more democratic system." In this sense, the OCE believes that "the participation of citizens and investors in new renewable projects also implies a greater social acceptance of the transition, even though this has meant an increase in electricity rates."

The reasons of its success

According to the Observatory, the main aspects that have allowed the development of renewable energy facilities owned by citizens, farmers and consumer cooperatives is the existence of conditions of remuneration of the energy generated "simple and stable." As noted by several of the sources consulted the OCE- explains, "the fact that producers are guaranteed a fixed income through a FiT is maintained for 20 years has been key to many of them have decided to participate in electric sector ". [Down, graphic referred to the facilities of ten kilowatts less power, 10 kW].

The German government amended the EGG in August 2014

A study by the Federal Office of Cooperative Energies shows that cooperatives are planning to make an investment in the short term have increased from 92% in 2013 to 67% in 2014 and has decreased the number of newly formed cooperatives. The study attributed these decreases to the complexity introduced reform EGG. Furthermore, according to some experts consulted by the OCE, the reform involves "financial expenses that places cooperatives at a disadvantage with respect to large power companies".

Another aspect that is very interesting from the German model concludes the OCE- is the incentive created for the installation of batteries with photovoltaic panels by Standard & Storage program. The German Development Bank grants to owners of systems with power less than 30 kW low-interest loans for the installation of these storage systems. In Spain, Mr. Rajoy government not only does not encourage the installation of battery systems in self-consumption facilities, but he has already devised a tax for that kind of sites.

Sunny Taxes?

Certainly, the tax on batteries devised by President Rajoy is recently paid by nobody.-It happens with it the same thing that is happening with the so -called “Sunshine Tax”, but in any case no longer weigh down the takeoff of a sector that surely would be launched if not for these threats Mr. Nadal has included in its Self-Generation Royal Decree - Far from Moncloa, the Canary Islands regional government has decided not to wait for a new government formation and has taken a step forward: a few weeks ago, it approved batteries subsidize consumption installations connected to the grid.

Why O&M Standardisation has become the key to PV’s future?

The maturing of the solar operations and maintenance business has shown a spotlight on the need for some universally accepted standards and practices across the industry. Vassilis Papaeconomou Alectris.com managing director explains why such a step forward will be vital to ensuring the full value of solar assets is realised.

A Self-Consumption Facility In Spain with an Average Yield of 1,500 kWh/kW/year (IEA PVPS)

Consecutive Spanish governments put in place a legal framework allowing that the revenues coming from the price of retail electricity were below total system costs, which created the tariff being paid by electricity consumers. The cumulated deficit amounts now to 15 M€ and it is estimated that the cost of renewables paid by electricity consumers has contributed to around 20% of this amount. In order to reduce this deficit, retroactive measures have been taken to reduce the FiTs already granted to renewable energy sources but no other significant measures have been taken to reduce the deficit.

In the summer of 2013, the Government announced a new reform of the electricity market. Under the 24/213 Power Sector Act, the FiT system was stopped in July 2013 and the new schemes are based on the remuneration of capacities rather than production. The new system is based on estimated standard costs, with a legal possibility to change the amounts paid every four years. This has caused many projects to be in a state of default. The biggest project has changed hands, since international investors found interests in the acquisition of this projects.

The 24/2013 Power Sector Act considers very restrictive forms of self-consumption. During 2015 the regulatory framework for self-consumption was developed under Royal Decree (RD) 900/2015. This RD established that the maximum capacity of the self-consumption installation must be equal or below the contracted capacity. It also specifies two types of self-consumers:
• Type 1: maximum capacity installed of 100 kW – there is no compensation for the electricity surplus fed in the grid.
• Type 2: no limit to the allowed capacity – the surplus can be sold in the wholesale market directly or through an intermediary. A specific grid tax of 0.5 €/MWh has to be paid together with a 7% tax on the electricity produced.

Regulation indicates that self-generated power above 10 kW is charged with a fee per kWh consumed as a “grid backup toll”, commonly known as the “sunshine tax”. Adding battery storage to the installation also implies an additional tax. Geographical compensation is not allowed, and self-consumption for several end customers or a community is not allowed.

The Spanish PV industry has obviously, still on the downside with taxes, applied to self-consumers and no feed-in-tariff at all. However, grid parity has been reached in Spain thanks to two factors: rich solar irradiation resource and good prices for components. Given the context of no feed-in-tariff, the future of the Spanish PV market lies in the deployment of big PV plants and the elimination of the self-consumption barriers. However, the opposition political parties and the main social stakeholders have expressed their support to a fair development of PV through self-consumption, and depending on the 2016 elections outcome in Spain, the regulation could change again. Given the need to meet the EU energy and climate 2020 targets and the Paris Agreement, It is of utmost importance that a new legislative framework is developed in Spain promoting the use of renewable energies again.

So Self-consumption is allowed in Spain. Tips to highlight:

· The size of the PV plant cannot exceed the maximum power contracted.
· Two different regulations exists depending on the system size:
·· Type 1: under 100 kW, self-consumption is allowed but the prosumer receives no compensation for the excess PV electricity injected into the grid.
·· Type 2: Above 100 kW without limitation, self-consumption is allowed and the excess PV electricity can be sold on the wholesale market directly or through an intermediary. A specific grid tax of 0.5 EUR/MWh has to be paid together with a 7% tax on the electricity produced.
· All systems used for self-consumption above 10 kW are charged with a fee per KWh consumed. It is justified as a “grid backup toll” and is known as the so-called “Sun tax”.
· At least two meters have to be installed, depending of the cases (LV or HV connection).
· Adding battery storage implies also an extra additional tax.
· Geographical compensation is not allowed, and self-consumption for several end customers or a community is not allowed.

± Tax Collector: Type 1 or Type 2
Spain’s Self-Consumption Schemes

FAIR TRADING COMMISSION, Renewable Energy Rider Decision, 2013: http://bit.ly/1DLIeG4
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